Apple orchard life lessons
On August 25, amidst the fields of Woodson Ranch and with the mountains of the Ruby Valley as his backdrop, Ruby Habitat Foundation Executive Director Les Gilman addressed a small crowd of listeners with varied backgrounds but at least one thing in common: their respect and admiration for the Ruby Valley.
Tip of the hat
Growing up watching her mother Sheila make cowboy hats, Ericka Kirkpatrick certainly learned a lot about the unique trade. She’d help with all the aspects of the trade, but she was sure it wasn’t something she’d take on as her own career.
Honoring Kay Von Bergen
Kay Marie Cogdill Von Bergen embarked on her lifetime passion in 4-H at the age of 10 as a first year member. Throughout her time in 4-H, Kay was engaged in many activities including sewing and swine.
Counting pronghorn in Madison Valley
Approximately 1,500 to 2,000 pronghorn live in the Madison Valley. How do we know? Because the Montana Dept. of Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) conducts regular surveys of wildlife. Last week FWP wildlife biologist Julie Cunningham surveyed three pronghorn herds on the west side of the Madison River.
Clearing trails
Two weeks ago, the Southwest Montana Mountain Bike Association (SWMMBA) helped clear the Gazelle Creek trail because “once a trail disappears, it’s gone forever.”
Ennis Arts Association scholarships awarded
The Ennis Arts Association is pleased to have awarded two $1000. scholarships to two Ennis High School graduates: Ty Rolfe and Rebekah Faith Cook.
Treating the mind, body and spirit
Where were you when the 911 attacks occurred? It’s a question many of us have asked and answered; an event of such magnitude is sure to be burned into memories for a lifetime.
A fond farewell
The year is 1981. Ronald Reagan is leading the country. Sandra Day has been appointed to serve as the first woman on the U.S. Supreme Court. Raiders of the Lost Ark topped the movie scene while Dynasty was all the rage on television. And in little old Harrison, Mont., Judi Ward started her career at the Harrison School District.
Finding your own last best place
If you’re like me, your days of extreme hiking, rough climbing and sleeping on rocks may now be fond memories. Or maybe not so fond. If I never again carry a backpack for days, subsisting on dehydrated food, that will be OK. Done that. The aging process has slowed down my pace and made me protective of my kneecaps.