The Madison River Environmental Assessment will go before the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commissioners June 12.
The Madison River Environmental Assessment will go before the Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks Commissioners June 12.
As Montana’s aging population continues to grow (18.9% of Montanans are now 65 or older), rural residents face the same aging challenges as their urban counterparts but often with fewer resources.
The Montana University System has awarded the prestigious Montana University System Honor Scholarship to 2 students in the local area (see below).
“I would yell so loud and then I would come back on Monday to Helena to work and I couldn’t talk, and I think that’s what happened,” Pam Birkeland said as an explanation for her soft voice. Beyond cheering, Birkeland sang the National Anthem at Montana State University (MSU) football games twice during her son’s collegiate football career.
The evening of June 2 saw the results of the 2020 Primary Election from mostly mail-in ballots. According to Kathleen Mumme, Madison County Clerk and Recorder, official results will be available June 12 after the canvass on Friday, June 12 and the audit board will audit a randomly selected precinct and two to three races on June 11.
It is true that you never really know someone’s whole story.
Ron Hardwick is 75 years old, but over the phone, and arguably in person, you would peg him in his early sixties tops. Over these 75 years, he has learned, seen and discovered much, some aspects well-known to those around and others more on the back burner.
Sarah Anson, Army National Guard
Micara Devereaux, UM Western Sheridan Scholarship Foundation - $500 Music Award
Ana Sofia Du-Pond, Gallatin College 3 Rivers Communications - $1000 Craig Woodson Memorial - $500 FFA Memorial - $100
The second phase of reopening Montana’s economy in a COVID-19 world went into effect June 1. Madison County aligned with the governor’s executive orders.
“Don’t bring in a rocker — I don’t need those kinds of things,” Pearl Hawkins told Seeley Lake Elementary preschool teacher Sheila Devins on her first day as a foster grandparent. “I’m going to get down in the beanbags with the kids.”
65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729