Twin Bridges Speech, Drama & Debate
Big Timber Meet
Big Timber Meet
Sun, 11/27/2022 - 1:11pm
Robotics took two awards away, so of the seven that competed in what can be considered a pre-Divisional speech, drama, and debate meet with 17 B/C schools and 2 A schools represented well. Falcons competing: Speech: Ellen Humbert took 4th in Dramatic Oral Interpretation. Drama: Mick Stack took 4th and Avery Roehl 7th in Dramatic Solo, Addie Roehl took 4th in Humorous Solo. Debate: Aaron Meacham took 5th in Lincoln Douglas. Drama took 3rd in Class C Drama. Clay Solan came in 9th in Dramatic Oral Interpretation and Adien Meacham came in 10th in Impromptu.
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