Twin Bridges SCHOOL
Twin Bridges trustees discuss bus replacements, tech levies and potential bond
The Twin Bridges School District Board of Trustees met on the evening of Nov. 9. Here’s a look at what was covered.
• The district entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the teachers’ union which will provide staff with five additional paid leave days as long as they meet certain qualifiers.
• The district will apply for funds via the Montana DEQ’s Alternative Fuels and Transportation program which provides funds stemming from the Volkswagen diesel emissions related lawsuit. Moneys from that suit were given to Montana – the state chose to use the funds to replace older transpiration technology. Twin has two older diesel buses that meet the program’s qualification, which will allow for a percentage of money to purchase of two newer diesel buses.
• Twin Bridge’s last technology levy for $50,000 a year over three years is set to expire in June. Seeing the continued need for technology funding, the board approved a new ask for a subsequent three-year tech levy, this time for $60,000 per year. That request will go to voters in May of 2022. Funds are used for IT services, purchases of desktops, laptops, tablets, servers and more.
• Mike Smith was hired as high school boys basketball coach and Lony Shaw as high school boys basketball assistant coach.
• John Moore and Matt Fisher received special recognition from the board for their facilitation of an active shooter training scenario during a Nov. 5 PIR day while students were away. This was the first time the district has offered this training opportunity which began with online lessons before the mock shooting scenarios.
• The board held a special work session on Nov. 11 with McKinstry Engineering regarding an improvement project using federal ESSER funds offered in response to the pandemic. The ESSER funds will help pay for fresh air induction and heating controls. The board discussed other update projects in the middle school section, built in 1955, and the main gym, which was built in 1963. The district is now in the months of a bond that rebuilt part of the high school. The board discussed how much new bond money would be needed to support ESSER and other funds for the potential project.
• The board’s next regular monthly meeting is set for Dec. 14 at 7 p.m.