Donations of new equipment and furniture for the Tobacco Root Mountains Care Center in Madison Valley Manor


The Madison County Nursing Homes Foundation, in support of the Tobacco Root Mountains Care Center in Sheridan and the Madison Valley Manor in Ennis, is pleased to announce that we recently received the following donations from generous community members!  

“Amicus Foundation is very pleased to support the staff and residents of the Tobacco  Root Mountains Care Center in Sheridan and the Madison Valley Manor in Ennis. Together we can help the lives of our elderly better by just loving them and their care givers. The staff is extraordinary,” said John and Sheila Lake/Amicus Foundation.

This new equipment and furniture will aid both the residents and staff of the nursing homes.

The  Madison County Nursing Homes Foundation Board of Directors said, “We are so very - VERY fortunate to have generous donors that truly care about the quality of life of the Nursing Home Residents.  We can't thank them enough.”


Tobacco Root Mountains Care Center, Sheridan, Montana

Gift Amount: $30,000 

Donor: John and Sheila Lake/Amicus Foundation

Gift to Purchase

2 Arjo Sit to Stand Lifts, Safety Straps and Accessories

Sit to Stand Lifts are used by Nursing Home staff to safely move residents from a sitting to a standing position and vice versa. These lifts are particularly important for residents with balance issues, mobility impairments, weakened muscles or conditions that make standing up from a seated position challenging. They are also used to encourage assisted walking, and are invaluable for transports and transfers.


Madison Valley Manor, Ennis, Montana

Gift Amount: $22,0820

Donor: Wishes to remain anonymous

Gift to Purchase

1 Arjo Sit to Stand Lift, Safety Straps and Accessories

1 Hoyer Maxi Move Lift: designed to assist Nursing Home staff when lifting, transferring and repositioning residents with severe mobility issues. This lift comes with safety straps, accessories and a scale to accurately assess residents.

Gift Amount: $19,000

Donor: John and Sheila Lake/Amicus Foundation

Gift to Purchase

8 State-of-the-Art Electric Beds and Mattresses 

1 Bariatric Bed and Mattress

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The Madisonian

65 N. MT Hwy 287
Ennis, MT 59729

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