Commissioner selection underway
Final decision to be announced Nov. 23
The hiring process for a replacement Madison County Region 3 commissioner is underway. A review panel of Region 3 residents, comprised of Kristi Ranson, Bob Briggs, Kevin Boltz, Rob Gallentine and Scott Smith will hold public interviews on Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 6 p.m. in the public meeting room of the Administrative Office Building in Virginia City. To tune in remotely, visit Madison County’s public notices page for a link. After the interviews the committee will advise commissioners Ron Nye and Dan Allhands on its hiring recommendation. Commission Executive Assistant Laurie Buyan expects to have the official appointment on the Nov. 23 regular commission meeting agenda.
Following the early resignation of Region 3 Commissioner Jim Hart five candidates applied for the open position: John Heckler, Sabrina Sigourney, Brian Conklin, Michael White and Marc Glines.