Coronavirus in Madison County?
Madison County is on the brink of confirming its first coronavirus patient. A number of people have contacted the Madison Valley Medical Center with COVID-19-like symptoms. At least one has been tested for the virus and doctors are awaiting results from the state laboratory in Helena.
If you are feeling unwell and fear you have the coronavirus, MVMC says you must not come into the clinic without calling ahead. You should stay home, isolate yourself and call their special hotline: 406- 682-6628. A nurse has been dedicated to answer coronavirus calls and will be able to direct your next step.
Chief of Staff, Dr. Maura Davenport, says 80% of people who contract the virus will experience just mild symp- toms. Hospitalization will not be necessary in most cases. “We are starting to see some of the lower respiratory symptoms come into the hospital,” she said “The biggest thing is, if you’re having mild symptoms - JUST STAY HOME”.
Madison County Hospitals have asked all patients to reschedule non-essential appointments to free up doctors to focus fighting COVID-19.
At the Ruby Valley Medical Center they are issuing similar guidelines for patients. They ask people who fear they have the virus not to turn up unannounced. The should phone 406-842-5453. After hours, dial extension 1500.
“We are prepared to handle any COVID-19 case that comes our way,” said CEO Landon Dybdal. “Every hospital in the state is working together.”