Altered schedule
Updates during a busy lenten season
At times of crisis many people turn to their church for comfort but here too there is no escape from coronavirus.
The Catholic Diocese of Helena has told worshipers that they do not have to attend Sunday Mass while the country is in the grip of the pandemic. Those who do go, are being advised to keep their distance from other worship- ers and use common sense to stop the spread of the virus.
There is a wide range of places of worship in Madison County and the are all taking similar precautions to keep the faithful healthy.
Stephen Hundley is the temporary supply pastor at Madison Valley Presbyterian Church in Ennis. He says people have been very understanding about the new normal and are happy to play their part in keeping the community heathy.
“We are advising people to keep their distance from each other and to not shake hands and to use hand sanitizer,” he said. “And obviously we are monitoring the situation on a daily basis.”
Across the county most church events and Lenten cele- brations have been cancelled. Please check with your priest or pastor for confirmation.