Support investment in education

Dear Editor,

Two recent LTEs about school taxes elicit response. One letter complains that our school districts should set aside funds for inevitable repair and replacement and goes on to suggest that we should vote 'no' to the current request for new or renewed tax levies. The intent of the Sheridan and Twin Bridges school boards' current requests for building reserve levies is for this very purpose. Sheridan School is asking for a renewable reserve levy, NOT a tax increase, and a technology levy for new computers. In Twin, the reserve levy will fix and improve necessary school maintenance. Both boards and districts are following legislative directives to use their reserve funds to cover maintenance and emergencies and replenish reserves. It is good to understand these things. The writer forgets that taxpayers, before her and all of us, funded our educations. It is our turn to provide education for our kids which will enable them to continue the cycle for their kids. As for the hyperbole of not being able to afford to live here, statistics say that every dollar that goes into education gives back $6 locally, a solid investment for educating students who will join the work force.

She might more appropriately direct her tax complaint to the author of the second letter, Republican District HD71 representative. In his letter, he states that he supported the reduction in spending for schools and many areas of government. The bill(s) that created this financial crisis. It is well known that the Republican majority deliberately over-estimated the biennial State revenues, creating a false picture that mandated significant budget cuts. This in turn devastated critical services, lost good jobs, and SHIFTED THE BURDEN of school taxes from the State to local taxpayers. The representative seems to scapegoat his supportive vote(s) by stating that "educational communities and educational lobbies proposed and supported these budget reductions." Highly arguable and highly unlikely. The Republicans ran the legislature and bragged of their budget accomplishments. Fortunately, we now have a choice for whom we can send to the next legislature and who will likely support education investment.

Our schools, administrators, teachers and children are the heart of our communities. Vote yes and support them all.


Pat Bradley

Twin Bridges

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